Hypnotherapy is life-changing
When done right, hypnotherapy can solve your everyday problems and transform your life.
If you have anxiety a phobia or an emotional issue, there’s a good chance I have already helped someone like you… and I’m happy to help you, too.
Free your mind
- Eliminate Fear
- Embrace Change
- Transform Your Life
Hypnotherapy is a completely safe process that clients find both relaxing and enjoyable.
My highly effective form of hypnotherapy works with your subconscious mind to revert back to a period before your bad/unwanted habit started, this method helps you to successfully start all over again without having to relive that unwanted habit/behaviour.
Andy Griffiths

Hypnotherapy helps to resolve the real, underlying cause of the problem – so much so that when the problem is resolved, it can feel as if it was never even there in the first place. Treatment can work very quickly, often in just a few sessions, but it really does depend upon the individual situation.
Most people going through a course of hypnotherapy discover that not only do their issues get resolved but also their personal and working lives take off in new and exciting ways as well.
You are still YOU at the end, after completion you will come out much happier, relaxed and more confident. It is a rebirth of a better version of yourself, one that is full of life and potential.
Five star customer rating

I had my first hypno session with Andy today to help me try to eat a wider variety of foods as my diet is very limited at the moment. He is very likeable and calming and has really put my mind at ease about hypnotherapy. I feel a lot less anxious about trying new foods now and am excited to start trying more things. All in all a very good session for me.
Melissa McDonald

I finished my 3rd session yesterday and feel completely different from 4 weeks ago when I first met Andy.
My only regret is that I hadn’t done it sooner.
If you are not sure give him a call and have a chat, no harm in that.
Thanks Andy, Jackie
Jackie Russell

I find Andy is a great listener and never says my problems cant be resolved . I've seen so many therapist over the years and wasted money along the way. I'm currently having Andy help me through vertigo which I've had for 5 years now. He's been worth the money and the experience 0f being around someone who knows what they are taking about.
Lisa Blundell

I went to see Andy for help with a specific phobia which had started to take over my life. Not only did he help me overcome my fear, we also did some work to help me prepare for a job interview. I had been through a number of things at work that had badly damaged my confidence. With Andy's help, I was able to put my bad experiences behind me and focus on succeeding in the here-and-now. Thank you Andy! 🙂
Rachel Allan
Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, addictions, eating disorder, insomnia or many of the other conditions? I will be very happy to help you.
The good news is that I can reset you back to how you were prior to the behaviour even starting. As we are resetting your behaviour, rather than trying to replace it, the entire process is very quick and effective.
To understand what hypnotherapy feels like, think of a time when you have driven somewhere and not really remembered the journey. Or a time when you were so busy doing something and were completely unaware of how much time had passed by.
We call this state being in flow and it is in this state that our subconscious mind is open to change.
As you enter the hypnotic state of light trance, you are still very much in control and can open your eyes at any time. You are aware of everything going on around you.
If you would like to talk about how hypnotherapy could work for you, I offer a free no obligation consultation.
Why is hypnotherapy so effective?
Hypnotherapy is effective in changing behaviours because it works your subconscious mind. That’s where automatic behaviours and processes take place like breathing, blinking and walking. Your subconscious is where your memories, your motivations and your beliefs come from. Most of these processes are completely automatic, which means you don’t need to think about them you just do them. For example, you don’t have to think about blinking or breathing in and out.
Most of us find changing our behaviour very difficult. Imagine a situation where you would typically experience anxiety, such as before an important presentation or a social gathering. To overcome anxiety, you’d try to focus on ‘not feeling anxious’ – which makes you think about being anxious and makes the situation even worse. Hypnotherapy can break the vicious circle of destructive thoughts by working directly with your subconscious mind.