Anger. We all feel it at one time or another. In fact, I’m not sure that there’s a single person on the planet who has never felt anger in their life. And, do you know what? Anger is completely natural; a normal human emotion that can, in small doses, be healthy to experience.
When Does Anger Become A Problem?
When you find yourself becoming angry more and more often, or more and more intensely, your anger management may be becoming problematic.
Maybe your anger gets in the way of day-to-day life?
Or perhaps your anger is impacting your relationships, your job or your hobbies?
If you are becoming excessively angry about seemingly small inconveniences or losing your temper at the drop of a hat, it may be that your anger management is becoming a problem for you.
How Do I Know If I Have An Anger Management Problem?
Recognising you may have a problem is often the first step towards overcoming it. As with many other emotions though, increased levels of anger can be difficult to detect in yourself. When speaking to my clients, I often hear that family or close friends have been the first one to notice that their loved one’s demeanour is changing, and they are becoming more angry. And, as hard as it is to recognise that you may have a problem, hearing this from someone close to you before you have identified the issue can be even more tricky to accept.

Key signs of worsening anger management ability can include;
- Outward anger, such as shouting, swearing, threatening or becoming physically violent
- Inward anger, which often looks like low-self belief or treating oneself unfavourably
- Being unusually confrontational without prior thought
- Ignoring people or giving them the silent treatment
- Problems expressing any emotions in a calm manner
- Being unable to compromise or see situations from the view of others
- Poor behaviour in relationships or friendships
- Becoming even more angry, or even violent, when drinking alcohol
- Being unable to take constructive criticism
What Causes My Anger Management Problems?
Anger itself can come from a wide range of situations. Each person has their own triggers that cause them to become angry, but these can often include: feeling threatened, being frustrated, having feelings of being powerless, feeling that inequality is at play, being disrespected or not valued and feeling misunderstood. What may cause one person to face difficulties with managing their anger may not impact another person at all. Anger – like all emotions – is very subjective so what makes you angry may not make someone else feel any anger at all and vice versa.
How you react to your anger can also impact upon how your anger develops in future. For example, those who have grown up in a household where anger was expressed, talked about and overcome may have learned to cope with anger in a much healthier manner than those who were surrounded by unmanaged anger or excessive “sulking” as an avoidance technique. Knowing how to overcome anger is a key element of minimising any management problems that may arise.
Hypnotherapy For Anger Management
When left to stew under the surface, anger can grow, leading to health problems and significant impact on relationships with loved ones, colleagues and, possibly most importantly yourself. Anger isn’t only emotional – it can attribute towards heart disease, blood pressure problems and strokes.
The good news? Hypnotherapy can help!
By identifying the source of the anger, hypnotherapy can support a client to change their thought patterns and avoid an explosion of emotion. As anger can often be simmering for some time before bursting out, it can stem from past experiences, becoming engrained in a person’s personality for the rest of their life.

Hypnotherapy, however, allows the client to go into a relaxed mental state in a safe place with the support of a Clinical Hypnotherapist, using the power of suggestion. By tapping into the subconscious mind, a client can be supported to change their thought patterns and behaviours in situations that could have otherwise been triggering. Clients report feeling lighter and much calmer following as little as one hypnotherapy session, even when provoked or triggered.
Get In Touch
If you have any questions about hypnotherapy treatment or aren’t sure if your condition can be treated, please get in touch. I will gladly discuss therapy options with you during a no-obligation chat.
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Contact Piece of Mind today:
0141 340 9870
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