Why do I Have Anxiety?
Some people feel anxious occasionally when they’ve got a big event coming up, like a job interview or a first date. This is understandable, right? They feel anxious that they may say the wrong thing or get spinach stuck in their teeth and these are valid worries that we all experience from time to time. Some people, on the other hand, have a constant nagging feeling of fear and uncertainty and this is when anxiety becomes a problem in day-to-day life.
To truly immerse yourself in the answer to this question, I need you to put on your very best caveman-esque attire. If you, like me, prefer to avoid fancy dress at all costs, just use your imagination.
Early humans, also known as Neanderthals (not to be confused with Kevin at my local pub), needed quick and powerful responses to their surroundings to avoid danger. Imagine you’re faced with the possibility of a bear entering your cave at any moment – You’d need to jump into action to protect yourself in a split second. Feelings of anxiety would ensure you are vigilant and prepared to fight or flee from the bear.
Fast-forward to modern day and it’s highly unlikely that a bear will enter your home and begin to eat your marmalade sandwiches… Unless he’s wearing a red hat and blue duffle coat.

Whilst the causes are different, our reaction to modern worries remains the same. Unlike when facing a bear, however, we can’t run away from our utility bills or physically fight the aeroplane we’re about to board (although I tried!).
But, my anxiety is out of control!
Ok, I hear you. Your anxiety goes way beyond the typical anxieties we face in the modern world. In this case, your anxiety is kicking in for any perceived threat, even if it doesn’t seem logical or realistic. You might not know what is causing your anxiety or you might realise that your worry isn’t necessary, but the feelings you experience are very real despite the lack of obvious trigger.
Ultimately, your anxiety feels out of control because your brain is sending danger signals to your body, which leaves you feeling in a constant state of fight or flight. When anxiety gets in the way of your day-to-day activities, such as travelling or socialising with friends, it’s time to act… But what can you do?
How can I overcome my anxiety?
Although our early ancestors didn’t have to worry about getting hit by a bus as they cross the road, they also didn’t have the treatment options that we have available to us today. Whilst medication works for some people, others find the side effects to be unbearable. Some anxiety sufferers find that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help them to keep their anxiety from rising to the surface, but neither of these treatment options actually get rid of the problem, they just mask the symptoms.
At Piece of Mind therapy, we aim to wave goodbye to anxiety for good using hypnotherapy to revert your mind back to a period before your anxious thought processes began. Working together with Clinical Hypnotherapist, Andy Griffiths, you will successfully transform your life to enable you to live without the constant nag of anxiety.
Find out more
To learn more about how hypnotherapy can help you eliminate your anxieties, visit our website or contact us today.
Phone: 0141 340 9870
Email: [email protected]
Pssst! Don’t forget to follow us on social media for anxiety-busting tips, more information about hypnotherapy and a side portion of humour!
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